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Success Stories


Liz - Reversing Type II Diabetes

Liz initially reached out to Aubree's Discover Your Best Health program seeking guidance on nutrition and lifestyle adjustments. Recently diagnosed with Type II Diabetes and grappling with chronic back and knee pain, Liz's primary objectives were weight loss, pain reduction, increased mobility, and insulin independence. Following six months of dedicated commitment to dietary and lifestyle modifications, Liz experienced remarkable progress. She shed nearly 30 pounds, regained the ability to engage in aqua classes and biking without experiencing discomfort in her knees or back, and achieved the significant milestone of sustaining her independence from insulin. Furthermore, her doctor shared encouraging news, noting a substantial improvement in her Type II Diabetes condition. Liz's transformation is a testament to her perseverance and dedication to her health, enabling her to navigate life's challenges with ease while maintaining her newfound well-being.

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Patricia - Feeling Strong & Confident

I started training with Aubree because I began noticing signs of weight gain, especially around my stomach, along with a decline in strength and muscle mass. With my wedding just eight months away, I was determined to feel confident and look my best for the big day. Initially unsure about the effectiveness of 20-minute sessions twice a week, I had previously struggled to see results with traditional gym workouts, aerobics, and yoga, even in my younger years. However, I decided to give it a try.

After about six weeks of training, I started noticing changes. My arms and legs appeared more toned, and I felt stronger and more energized. But the real breakthrough came about six months into my training when I began trying on wedding dresses. I had initially planned to buy Spanx, but everyone insisted I didn't need them. When I looked in the mirror, I was amazed at how good I looked! I've never felt better about my body. I love the muscle tone I've developed and the strength that comes with it.

The best part about working out with Aubree, aside from the incredible results, is that the workouts are efficient, taking only 20 minutes twice a week. I can't praise Aubree enough for the transformation I've experienced under her guidance. I never imagined achieving these kinds of results at this stage in my life. Thank you, Coach Aubs!


Wendy - Losing Weight, Feeling Great!

I reached out to Aubree for health coaching because I was overweight and eager to gain a deeper understanding of how to eat better. I wanted to learn how different foods were impacting my body, both positively and negatively.

Two things during the coaching process amazed me: firstly, clearing out my cupboards and fridge of unhealthy items (which amounted to a massive pile!) and secondly, accompanying Aubree on shopping trips to various stores and markets, meticulously reading labels to understand what to buy. It was eye-opening to discover the staggering amount of added sugar in so many products and the various names it goes by. It was a truly enlightening experience.

Over the course of four months, I dropped 2 1/2 sizes and lost 30 pounds. Not only did my overall health improve, but I also became aware of which foods caused bloating and discomfort, and which ones made me feel great. Regular exercise became a part of my routine, and I even noticed a reduction in sugar cravings. Additionally, my skin started looking healthier, and I even found myself noticing little details like my collar bone becoming more prominent!

I wholeheartedly recommend this program to anyone and everyone. It's truly life-changing to gain insight into how food and exercise can work specifically for me.


Janine - Back to Pre-Baby Weight!

Janine approached Aubree with the goal of losing weight and adopting a healthy lifestyle following the birth of her second son. Having experienced gestational diabetes during her pregnancy, she was aware of the increased risk of developing Type II diabetes postpartum. Janine was determined to avoid this and also aimed to return to her pre-pregnancy weight.

After completing our health coaching program, Janine achieved remarkable success.


Not only did she remain free from diabetes, but she also established a healthy dinner routine for her family of four. In a remarkable feat, Janine not only reached her pre-baby weight but surpassed it, fitting back into her wedding dress with ease. Her dedication and commitment to her health and well-being are truly inspiring.

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Garrett - Burning Fat, Gaining Focus

Before I met Aubree, I was struggling with falling asleep (I was diagnosed with insomnia), low energy levels later into my work day and was experiencing brain fogginess which was hurting my listening skills and productivity levels. As a result my consistency to perform at work became very frustrating where some days I was great and other days my mood or energy levels just weren't there. In regards to my physique, I couldn't figure out how to cut my body fat down while growing my lean muscle mass at the same time.


What I learned by working with her was that all the issues I was having came down to a simple fix which she was able to guide me through. I learned how to get better sleep, improve my energy level consistency, my mood, mental clarity, and achieve the physique I wanted all at the same time. There is so much fluff out there and having a credible resource that I can trust and that is accessible anytime week or weekend was EXACTLY what I needed to get on the fast track to my goals. All I needed to do was show up and answer the question "What Did I Want?" and she did the rest!


And now my family is sick and tired of hearing how incredible my mental clarity is! It's seriously that good! Haha. I now experience a natural happiness that I have never experienced before. I am more productive at work and my results have gone up, I don't need afternoon coffee anymore, I am in the best shape of my life at 9% body fat and best of all I no longer have insomnia and I can go to sleep within 20-30 mins (used to take me 2-4 hours) and I can stay asleep as well. I do not take this next comment lightly...Aubree has truly changed my life and has shown me how to live a happier and more productive life while at the same time providing a solution that is sustainable long term. She is ALWAYS available for my countless texts, my weekend calls, and I would recommend her help to anyone I know. Seriously, my Mom and Dad signed up shortly after they saw my results! 

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Sheryl - Conquering Menopause & Stomach Pains!

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